In my posting of June 5th, I introduced my readers to Sophie. Well, she’s back with us again and has been our guest for the past two weeks. She is truly an absolute joy to take care of.
Sophie’s greatest joys seem to be eating and playing―in that exact order. She seems to have an insatiable appetite, and I truly believe if given the option she could eat all day long. Her preferred meal times are still 7 AM and 5 PM―and please don’t go too far past those times.

Believing that I had overslept and it was way past her meal time, I hurried into the kitchen. As I was preparing her food and Whitney’s, I glanced at the clock to see how late I actually was. Thinking my sleepy eyes had misread the clock, I did a second look at the clock. I had seen it correctly on my first glance―the time was only 7:05.
I had been using a green plastic bowl for Sophie’s food and generally around 4 PM she begins carrying the bowl throughout the house. (After her many visits with us, the bowl now has many chew marks in it.) Yesterday, when I arrived home it was past feeding time and I was greeted at the door by a ‘starving’ Sophie. Knowing that I had better feed her quickly, I reached for the green bowl―it was gone.

Saturday DJ and I needed to be gone for the day and our good friend Diane brought the ‘girls’ to her house to spend the day with Tucker. Towards evening Diane went downstairs to feed Tucker, while Whitney and Sophie waited upstairs. Upon hearing the sound of Tucker’s food pouring into his dish, Sophie bolted down the stairs.
Looking into Sophie’s pleading eyes, Diane prepared two extra bowls of food―one for Sophie and one for Whitney. As usual, Sophie gobbled up her food very quickly. Whitney, on the other hand, just took a couple of bites and walked away. Not wanting to let any food go to waste, Sophie quickly stepped in and cleaned out Whitney’s bowl.
A meal that ended as Whitney’s loss, Sophie eagerly turned into her gain―probably literally.
Tune in next time to see how the rest of that evening went.
So long, I’ll see you soon!
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