It was a joy to have Sophie with us for the last couple of weeks, so I’m sure you can imagine how sad it was to see her leave Friday morning. At her departure I immediately felt a subtle sadness envelop me. As much as I would miss her, I knew how happy she would be to be reunited with her family.

Ever since Whitney came to live with us she has proved to be a very finicky eater. If she is the only dog present, she’ll sniff at her dish of food and usually walk away; giving me a look that says, “Ho-hum, maybe I’ll eat it later.” Later might be that evening, or later might be the next day.
However, put another four-legger in the room and her eating habits quickly adapt to whichever dog is here. With Sophie, both dogs stay with their own dish. However when Tucker and Whitney eat together, they play the ‘switching of the bowl’ game. It works for them and it gets Whitney to eat, so I’m not complaining.

Whitney is just the opposite of Tucker―she doesn’t tolerate the cold well. If all appears quiet outdoors and there is no reason for her to stand guard with Tucker, she quickly retreats to the warmth of the house.
Eventually, Tucker will wander back to the house, but 10 minutes later he’s huffing and puffing and needs to go outside again. Of course Whitney is out the door with him, and the cycle has begun again.
Normally, Tucker quietly sits on the deck and cools down, but this particular night Tucker seemed agitated about something. He picked a spot in the middle of the yard, sat down, and barked. Not a menacing bark, just a woof-woof…pause…woof-woof… With each ‘woof’ he would toss his head up in the air.
Being the elder dog that he is, Tucker’s hearing is, unfortunately, diminishing. Not being able to hear, he needs to rely on his other senses, particularly when darkness sets in. He had positioned himself in a spot where he could direct his full attention towards the woods across the road. I’m convinced he sensed the presence of something in the woods and his bark was a warning to whatever was out there. His warning was simple, but clear, “I can’t hear you, but I know you’re close by. You better beware, cuz I’m guarding this yard tonight, so back off!”
Being such an attentive guard dog earned Tucker a few extra treats that night. Woof-woof….
Tune in next time for more of Tucker’s visit.
So long, I’ll see you soon!
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