Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Eye, Arrgh

     Just a quick update on my eye situation: My next surgery will be tomorrow morningHalloween, of all days. If all goes well, as I’m hoping it will, I’ll soon be able to see again. Even though I may be out of commission for a few days, I promise that new stories will be taking shape as I recover.  Until next time…
     So long, I’ll see you soon.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tucker Inspires Me

     After Tucker’s attentive guard watch was done the previous night, he enjoyed an undisturbed, restful night of sleep. Once the dogs and I were up and moving the next morning, Tucker let me know it was time for his daily walk.
     Maybe because of life’s circumstances or maybe just plain laziness, I’ve done very little exercise walking for the last year. Recently, the only walks I’ve taken are when Tucker stays with us. Whitney and I did attempt to get back into a walking routine earlier this summer, but each attempt was brought to an abrupt end after being bombarded by deerflies.
     So, on the morning following his guard watch, Tucker followed me very closely as I got my jacket and shoes ready. I’m sure his close attention was his way verifying that I understood what he wanted to do. Tucker has a unique way of showing his excitement and or impatience: he sits down and actually prances with his front paws. He immediately started this routine as I sat to put my shoes on. I do believe that this time it was impatience that prompted his movements. When I looked into his eyes I heard, “I’m ready, so will you please hurry!”
     When all was ready the three of us stepped onto the deck. Tucker and I hurried down to the gate, only to find Whitney stubbornly standing on the deck. Her stance told me that she had no intention of joining us. Eventually, after some coaxing and using the ‘treat’ word, she slowly crept down the steps and through the open gate. After she joined us in the driveway, she looked up into the air and then to each side of her as she took a few apprehensive steps. By the look in her eyes I’m sure she expected to be swarmed by the deerflies of her memory. Sensing no deerfly attack, she happily joined Tucker and me on our journey.
     I need to tell you that when Whitney runs, she gracefully glides through the air, using the ground as her launching pad. In just seconds she flew past both Tucker and myself. For a brief moment Tucker’s thoughts were of catching up to her, but after a short trot he knew it would be useless to try.
     Whitney graciously stopped on the road ahead and waited for Tucker to catch up with her. At that time the two four-leggers spent quality time sniffing along in the grass together. Soon though, Whitney was flying again, sailing further up the road. After doing an abrupt stop she would turn around and fly past Tucker and I, only to stop and fly up the road again. With each ‘flyby’ she did, she would stop on the road ahead and patiently give Tucker another chance to catch up with her.
     For the next two mornings, Stanley eagerly joined our procession up the road. Stanley’s boundless energy is good entertainment on any occasion, and our walks were no exception. Whitney and Stanley had me laughing as they ran and played together while we all headed up the road. Even though Tucker was unable to keep up with their fast pace, I knew that he too, was enjoying the entertainment they were providing. I’m convinced I even heard a few chuckles from Tucker as the two flew past us.
     Our walks were physically and mentally refreshing for me. But the truly best part was being in the company of such wonderful four-legger companions.
     Thank you, Tucker for giving me the motivation I needed to get out and get my feet moving. Your enthusiasm for walking is infectious. Hmm…now, if I can only keep up this routine without Tucker here to urge me on.

     So long, I’ll see you soon!

Monday, October 24, 2011

One Dog Departs and Another Arrives

      It was a joy to have Sophie with us for the last couple of weeks, so I’m sure you can imagine how sad it was to see her leave Friday morning. At her departure I immediately felt a subtle sadness envelop me. As much as I would miss her, I knew how happy she would be to be reunited with her family.
     After she and DJ departed, I could tell that Whitney also missed Sophie’s presence. But within 10 minutes of her departure, our void was quickly filled with the arrival of Tucker. For the next four days Whitney would have a new mealtime companion. 
     Ever since Whitney came to live with us she has proved to be a very finicky eater. If she is the only dog present, she’ll sniff at her dish of food and usually walk away; giving me a look that says, “Ho-hum, maybe I’ll eat it later.” Later might be that evening, or later might be the next day.
     However, put another four-legger in the room and her eating habits quickly adapt to whichever dog is here. With Sophie, both dogs stay with their own dish. However when Tucker and Whitney eat together, they play the ‘switching of the bowl’ game. It works for them and it gets Whitney to eat, so I’m not complaining.
     After sunset the game of ‘inside-outside’ begins. Tucker is a very large dog, and for that reason he gets very hotno matter what the outdoor temperature. Sitting outside in the cool air is the best way for him to cool down. Not wanting to miss out on any excitement, Whitney always hurries outside with her big buddy.
     Whitney is just the opposite of Tuckershe doesn’t tolerate the cold well. If all appears quiet outdoors and there is no reason for her to stand guard with Tucker, she quickly retreats to the warmth of the house.
     Eventually, Tucker will wander back to the house, but 10 minutes later he’s huffing and puffing and needs to go outside again. Of course Whitney is out the door with him, and the cycle has begun again.
     Normally, Tucker quietly sits on the deck and cools down, but this particular night Tucker seemed agitated about something. He picked a spot in the middle of the yard, sat down, and barked. Not a menacing bark, just a woof-woof…pause…woof-woof… With each ‘woof’ he would toss his head up in the air.
     Being the elder dog that he is, Tucker’s hearing is, unfortunately, diminishing. Not being able to hear, he needs to rely on his other senses, particularly when darkness sets in. He had positioned himself in a spot where he could direct his full attention towards the woods across the road.  I’m convinced he sensed the presence of something in the woods and his bark was a warning to whatever was out there. His warning was simple, but clear, “I can’t hear you, but I know you’re close by. You better beware, cuz I’m guarding this yard tonight, so back off!”
     Being such an attentive guard dog earned Tucker a few extra treats that night. Woof-woof….
     Tune in next time for more of Tucker’s visit.

     So long, I’ll see you soon!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Sleepover and More Food

     As Monday’s posting ended, Sophie had just finished eating her second dish of food at Tucker’s house. Upon my arrival to pick up Whitney and Sophie, I was overwhelmed by the greeting I received from Tucker and both of the girls. With all three dogs crowding at the doorway, it was a struggle for me to enter the house.
     When it was time to head for home, all three of the four-leggers shot out the door and hurried to my truck. As I opened the door both of the girls jumped inside and each claimed their position in the truck. Tucker paced by the open door, eagerly awaiting his turn to jump inside.  Needless to say, he was more than a little disappointed that he couldn’t join the girls for their ride.
     Unbeknownst to the girls, Stanley was having a sleepover with them that night. DJ had picked up Stanley while I was getting the girls. Apparently as soon as DJ let him in, he raced throughout the house in search of his two playmates. (Fortunately DJ had fed Stanley before our return, otherwise Sophie may have finished a third dish of food.)
     As the girls and I entered the house, they were immediately pounced on by a very impatient Stanley. Having been cooped up in his house all afternoon, Stanley had a lot of energy to run off. It was obvious by the way they all started playing it was going to be quite some time before any of the dogs would settle down for the night.
     For close to an hour, Sophie and Stanley raced up and down the hallway together. Whitney joined the race for a short time, but then retreated to a safe spot on the couch and watched as her two friends raced by.
     Eventually a very exhausted Sophie had had enough and retreated to her bedroom. Whitney had long before, headed to her bedroom.  Then it was just myself and a still wound up Stanley left awake. Once he realized Sophie was truly done playing, he finally began to tire.
     Morning came and we now had three well rested four-leggers ready for another day of play. But, as Sophie reminded me at 7:00, the all important breakfast must come before any other activity.
     It is interesting, that when these three eat together they each stay with their assigned dishes. Sophie and Stanley were both so intent on the food in front of them that neither would step away until every bite was gone.
     Both Sophie and Stanley are aware that Whitney is a slow dainty eater, and they’ll each be done long before she is. When they finish, they each pick a spot on either side of Whitney and sit and stare at her dish, each hoping she’ll step away. Ignoring her two nosy friends, she slowly empties her dish. When she does finally walk away the two quickly move in and take turns licking her empty dish.
     As much as Sophie enjoys eating, I’m sure you can imagine she has a bit of a weight issue. Hopefully any extra food and treats she may have consumed while in our care, she has run off those calories in her playtime's with Stanley.
     Sadly for us, Sophie will be returning to her home tomorrow. Either her owners will say, “Sophie, you’ve lost weight”; or “Sophie, you’ve gained weight.” If the latter is the case, I’ll turn and run.

     So long, I’ll see you soon!

Monday, October 17, 2011

She's Back

     In my posting of June 5th, I introduced my readers to Sophie. Well, she’s back with us again and has been our guest for the past two weeks. She is truly an absolute joy to take care of.
     Sophie’s greatest joys seem to be eating and playingin that exact order. She seems to have an insatiable appetite, and I truly believe if given the option she could eat all day long. Her preferred meal times are still 7 AM and 5 PMand please don’t go too far past those times.
     The other morning I was just beginning to wake up when I heard the patter of fast moving feet enter my bedroom. Before I had a chance to move, I heard a soft howling moan near the side of my bed. I peered over the edge of the bed and there was Sophiesitting up, wiggling her raised paws, and doing her soft howling moan. I crawled out of bed and she began doing a happy dance around my legs. I looked down into her eyes and heard, “You need to get up now. It’s past my feeding time and I’m starving.”
     Believing that I had overslept and it was way past her meal time, I hurried into the kitchen. As I was preparing her food and Whitney’s, I glanced at the clock to see how late I actually was. Thinking my sleepy eyes had misread the clock, I did a second look at the clock. I had seen it correctly on my first glancethe time was only 7:05.
     I had been using a green plastic bowl for Sophie’s food and generally around 4 PM she begins carrying the bowl throughout the house. (After her many visits with us, the bowl now has many chew marks in it.) Yesterday, when I arrived home it was past feeding time and I was greeted at the door by a ‘starving’ Sophie. Knowing that I had better feed her quickly, I reached for the green bowlit was gone.
     After doing an extensive search throughout the house with no luck, I decided Sophie had tired of the chew marked bowl and found a secret spot to dispose of it. To keep from another disappearing bowl, she is now eating from a heavy bowl that will be impossible for her to move from room to room.
     Saturday DJ and I needed to be gone for the day and our good friend Diane brought the ‘girls’ to her house to spend the day with Tucker. Towards evening Diane went downstairs to feed Tucker, while Whitney and Sophie waited upstairs. Upon hearing the sound of Tucker’s food pouring into his dish, Sophie bolted down the stairs.
     Looking into Sophie’s pleading eyes, Diane prepared two extra bowls of foodone for Sophie and one for Whitney. As usual, Sophie gobbled up her food very quickly. Whitney, on the other hand, just took a couple of bites and walked away. Not wanting to let any food go to waste, Sophie quickly stepped in and cleaned out Whitney’s bowl.
     A meal that ended as Whitney’s loss, Sophie eagerly turned into her gainprobably literally.
     Tune in next time to see how the rest of that evening went.

     So long, I’ll see you soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Suitcase

     Our Whitney has two of her very own beds, well actually three if you include our bed. To help ease her transition into her new home after we first adopted her, we let her sleep in our bed with usand also it was winter and cold.
     When the wood tick season began in the spring and Whitney brought the first tick into our bed, her time for sleeping in our bed had come to an abrupt end (at least until the next winter).  The first night that she realized our bed was no longer an option for her, she climbed into an open suitcase and spent the entire night in it.
     After a few nights of sleeping in the suitcase we realized she had claimed the suitcase as her own. To make her new ‘suitcase bed’ more comfortable for her, I placed a comfy blanket inside. She enjoyed her new accommodations for several months. However, when winter returned she was back to the warmth of the human bed.
     Warm weather brought the return of the dreaded tick and Whitney seemed to understand that it was time to return to her suitcase.  As we went through the summer, Whitney occasionally would sneak unto our bed during the night.  With the onset of fall, the weather still remained quite warm, but Whitney now seemed to end up in our bed on a nightly basis.
     One morning I looked into her suitcase and realized why she had stopped sleeping in itshe apparently was now using it for storage. Observing her for a few days I saw that she would put one or two of her toys in the suitcase and then lay on top of them, as if she was packing them down.  Oh, and the occasional sock, glove, or slipper that seemed to always go missing, I would find them neatly stashed in her suitcase.
     Occasionally she will take a toy out, and when it has served its purpose she will either return it to its spot in the suitcase, or haul it up onto the two-legger bed.  If she chooses not to return an item to the suitcase, she quietly finds something else to put in its place. Her little ‘wiggle butt’ dance that she does after each suitcase deposit, is her way of letting us know how proud she is of this ritual.
     What we haven’t figured out is the logic of her reasoning. Could it be that she is packed and ready to go if we go somewhere; or is she hiding the toys from visiting four-leggers; or is it her knowing that if she keeps the suitcase full, there will be no room for her but our bed has plenty of room.
     Whatever your reason, Girlie-girl, as long as you’re happy, we’re happy.

     So long, I’ll see you soon!