His arthritis pain is controlled by two pills a day. Fortunately he thinks the pills are extra treats, and he eagerly gobbles them down. Wrap a pill in a little bread with some peanut butter and he drools with anticipation.
Tucker's hearing issues are obvious. Some sounds he truly does not hear. (Hmm...or maybe it's just selective hearing?) One sound he does hear loud and clear is Whitney's shrill bark.
From Whitney's chair, on our deck, she is very attentive to every sound and sight. As soon as something catches her attention she lets out her patent scream. Tucker, who may be in a deep sleep close by, quickly is on his feet and lets out his roar of a bark. He then looks to Whitney for guidance as to why he is barking. Soon they are both running along the fence, barking at whatever evoked the scream from Whitney.
Naps come often, not only for Tucker but also for Whitney. The difference between the two: Whitney sleeps with her ears on alert. No intruder will slip past her keen ears. Tucker is fully aware of this and knows that Whitney will wake him if anything of importance happens.
As for the heat, fortunately the temperature has been fairly comfortable, with the nights cooling down very nicely. With his soft bed on the floor below the window, Tucker sleeps like a baby.
As always, meal times are especially entertaining. I prepare each dog's food in their own separate dish. For some reason Whitney has decided she will only eat from Tucker's dish. She stands aside and intently watches him eat. When he steps away she moves in and eats what is left in his dish. He graciously steps aside and moves on to her dish.
Whitney has refused to join Tucker and I on our morning walks. I can totally understand why: her black body is like a deer fly magnet. One minute out and the flies are all over her. She patiently sits in her chair in the safety zone of our deck and waits for our return.

Tucker is truly one of a kind, and I am honored that he invited me into his life.
So long, I'll see you soon!
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