The networking was great: I was able to talk with several Minnesota authors, who shared with me some new contacts in the writing and publishing world.
Many of the authors that were present write mystery novels, (which just happen to be one of my favorite reads). Although I didn't get a chance to talk with all of the authors, I was able to spend some time talking with David Fingerman, a mystery/horror writer from the Twin Cities. I'm very excited to begin reading his book, 'Silent Kill', which takes place in the Twin Cities. If you are interested, visit his website at www.davidfingerman.com.
Even though I have started work on my next two books, with all of the eye problems I've had these past few months, it has been a challenge to put the work I need to into them. However, talking with these talented authors has given me the push I have needed to continue my work on Runt's ever evolving adventures.
Whenever I do a book signing I decorate my table with dog related items. This always brings the dog lovers to my table. Each dog lover that stops by is eager to share their own personal dog story with me. (Something we dog lovers all enjoy doing.)
One lady, who stopped by my table on Saturday, told me that she and her husband adopt abused dogs from the Humane Society; always having four dogs living with them.
Another woman I chatted with also adopts abused dogs, and usually has six dogs in their household.
Still, another woman shared with me the story of her daughter, who is in the Air Force and lives in Texas. She takes in strays and abused dogs and currently has nine dogs in her household.
Like the three stories I just mentioned, I know there are many more people across this land of ours who unselfishly rescue and raise abused dogs. My heartfelt thanks to all of you; you truly are heroes!
So long, I'll see you soon!
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