Not one of my neighbors knew anything about the dog. However one neighbor did tell me that the mean little dog had been sleeping under their deck and would growl and show its teeth whenever they chased it away.
Now, from what I had observed whenever I saw the dog, he wasn't mean at all, just terribly frightened. I was also able to see he wore a collar with tags; that indicated to me that he was lost.
Our yard was fenced in, with no gate to the back lots. Each day I would stand at the fence and call out to the dog by saying, "Here, Baby Boy". He would come out just so far and watch me from a safe spot within the bushes. Sensing he had made his home in these bushes, I began to set food and water on his side of the fence on a daily basis. He was eating and drinking everything I set out, but only when he was sure he was alone.
Each day I would climb the fence and try to approach him. I didn't always see him, but I sensed he constantly had his eyes on me from a safe hiding spot in the bushes. Over time I began to gain his trust and he would start to move closer, but always a noise nearby would frighten him into a run.
Winter was now upon us, and so far it had been very mild. But with a forecast of bitterly cold temps moving in, I knew I had to catch the dog and do it fast.
The 'dog catcher' showed up at my door, after hearing rumor that I was close to bringing the dog in. His plan was that I coax the dog close and he would shoot a net over the dog. After working so hard at gaining the dog's trust, I wasn't about to let this man scare the dog back into hiding.
I assured the 'dog catcher' that I would have Baby Boy in my hands before nightfall.
With a bitter wind and temperatures quickly falling, will I be able to finally catch this frightened little dog whom I had named Baby Boy. Tune in next time to see how this 'tail' ends.
So long, I'll see you soon!