With this smell still fresh in my mind, I decided to do some research on this strange phenomenon. I was relieved to discover that this odor is real and not the works of my overactive imagination―scores of people have questioned this same odor. Some, as I have, likened the smell to that of popcorn. Others, likened the smell to that of corn chips. Apparently, corn chip prevails over popcorn because this phenomenon is commonly referred to as ‘Frito Feet’.

‘Dogster’ founder Ted Rheingold explains it this way: “The feet of dogs contain many folds and pockets between toes and the spaces between the foot pads. The increased moisture and decreased air circulation in these areas enables the bacteria and yeast to proliferate exuberantly. These micro-organisms give off odors. One such bacteria is famous for smelling like corn tortillas.”
Yahoo answers, explains it this way: "It’s typically called ‘Frito Feet’. It’s natural, many dogs have it, and it is caused by the unique scent glands that dogs have in their feet. They use these glands for marking their territory."
en.allexperts.com: “The ‘corn chip’ smell isn’t at all uncommon. Dogs have scent glands in their paws that they use to mark their territory, and while I’m sure we can’t tell the difference between dogs, they can!”
I found the following of particular interest, simply because it was a fact I did not know about a dogs sweat glands. “All dogs have sweat glands in their feet. It’s one of the few places dogs actually have sweat glands.” The writer further added that, “Their feet smell funny because their sweat smells like that.”
One site, http://www.seefido.com, has great answers to just about any quirky question you can imagine. It’s a fun site to visit if you seek answers to unusual questions.
So, don’t be alarmed if you notice a popcorn or corn chip smell on your dog―it’s natural.
So long, I’ll see you soon!
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