Yesterday morning I noticed the male hadn't been around all morning. Thinking he was elsewhere gathering food, I went about my business inside our house. Walking into our living room I noticed Whitney pacing in front of our wood stove, occasionally stopping and staring at the stove. I thought this was a very strange behavior for her, since she had never paid any attention to the stove.
Thinking maybe a bat had found its way down the pipe, I gave the stove a few taps to check if there was any movement inside. I heard nothing, but by now Whitney was on the hearth, trying to peer inside.
DJ, also thinking there was a bat inside, planned to start a small fire inside to flush the bat back up the pipe. Opening the door just a crack, she struck a match and threw it in. Fortunately the match immediately went out. Opening the door a bit wider she was able to see the male Bluebird perched inside the stove.

Tucker, who had been oblivious to what was transpiring, suddenly became aware that something was happening in the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen, Tucker noticed this object fluttering around the kitchen. Being the stately dog that he is, Tucker sat at attention as he watched the now panicked bird fly around the kitchen.
The bird soon found its way to the now open patio door, and quickly found its freedom. Panicked from his ordeal, he disappeared from our sight. After a short time he reappeared and was again perched on the handle of the pump, guarding his family.
Thank you Whitney. Your attentiveness saved the life of this beautiful bird, and possibly the lives of the whole family.
So long, I'll see you soon!
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