My dog, Willie, was my loving companion for 15 wonderful years. When the time came that I had to make the heart breaking decision of having him put down, I vowed I would never go through that agony again. The solution seemed simple: no more dogs. It was inconceivable to me that I could ever have a place in my heart for any other dog―until a dachshund entered my life.

The joy a dog brings into one's life was a feeling that I had purposely buried deep inside me. However, the instant George crawled onto my lap and I looked into his eyes, I was hooked. Out went all my excuses for not wanting to love another dog. His humorous antics quickly began to mend my broken heart.
George was a tenacious little man, a trait that could be quite comical. I've heard the saying, 'a dachshund is a big dog in a little package'; that described George perfectly. As I observed his behavior, I truly believed he thought he was equal to the largest of dogs.

His 'big size' definitely surfaced whenever he was around a cat. Cats were something George loved to torment. A cat could be twice the height of George, but since he envisioned himself as a 'giant', a cat was mere toy size in his eyes, until...
One day, while we visited some friends, George immediately spotted a cat sitting by a doorway. Big brave George proceeded to charge toward the cat. The waiting cat showed no fear as George approached. As he stood face to face with the cat, the cat raised its paw and swiftly took a swipe at him. I really don't think the paw even touched him, but he immediately started to scream. His scream was a clear, "Ow, ow, ow."
With a satisfied smirk on its face, the cat peered at George as he screamed and ran off. I could almost hear the cat say, "Gotcha, little doggie!" From then on 'Big George' was 'Little George' when it came to cats.
Whether he was the ‘Big Brave George’ or the ‘Little George’, he had clearly found his way into my heart.
So long, I'll see you soon!